Code Miracles

Scratch Contest
Join our exciting Scratch contest and win prizes !
(Ages 7-11)
Create an animated story on the best practices for Covid19
Due Date : December 18th
First enter your information in the registration form below and submit it to confirm your participation. The steps following this can be completed before the project due date.
Entries can only be accepted if they are accessible via the Scratch website at scratch.mit.edu.
Go to www.scratch.mit.edu and log in. Create an account if you do not have one. Confirm email after account creation.
Create the project.
Click the My Stuff button near the top right of the web page.
Read the information on the far right to tell which projects have been shared. ...
Click the title of the project to share.
Click the Share button.
Entries are judged on creativity, originality, technical merit, and how well they follow good programming practices
Email the unique project URL (copy paste url address browser) to codelivingston@gmail.com . Include your full name.